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As the flowers bloom and the days lengthen, many of us anticipate the rejuvenation that spring promises. However, before the full embrace of this vibrant season, it’s not uncommon to experience a period of lethargy, fatigue, and even mood swings. This phenomenon, often associated with the transition into spring, is a topic deeply rooted in Ayurvedic philosophy.


Understanding Spring Lethargy:


Spring lethargy, or what some describe as “spring fever,” can manifest as a range of symptoms including low energy, mood fluctuations, and susceptibility to illness. According to Ayurveda, this transition period highlights the delicate balance of our immune systems and their readiness for change.


Ayurvedic Perspective on Spring Transition


How to beat spring lethargy


In Ayurveda, the body’s response to seasonal shifts is intricately linked to its overall state of health and vitality. Here’s how this ancient system of medicine views the onset of spring lethargy:


Immune System Readiness


The immune system plays a crucial role in adapting to seasonal changes. A weakened immune response can leave us vulnerable to fatigue and illness as the weather shifts. Springtime is often associated with renewal and growth, yet for some, it can trigger feelings of heaviness and low mood.

Ayurveda recognizes the emotional impact of seasonal transitions on our well-being. It is usually stored “kapha” energy that is stuck in the body (physically and mentally; heavy, moody, sleepy, fatty, mucus, slow).

It is important to release that unhealthy stuck “kapha” energy, and create space and energy in the cells, which will transform into a greater sense of well-being, both physically and mentally.



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Tips to Boost Energy and Vitality


Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your daily routine can help alleviate spring lethargy and promote a sense of balance and vitality. Here are some actionable tips to release stuck kapha/ heavy energy:


Prioritize Sleep: Aim to establish a regular sleep schedule, going to bed before midnight and waking up refreshed in the morning.

Avoid screens and TV before bedtime: It will leave you uneergized the next day and impact your sleep

Warm, Nourishing Foods:  Opt for warm, cooked meals that support digestion and nourish the body. If you reside in a cold climate where March remains chilly, it’s advisable to steer clear of cold foods, as they can slow down your metabolism and cool your system, which is not ideal. Instead, go for warming foods to help maintain internal warmth and strengthen the immune system. Conversely, if you’re overweight and tend to consume heavy foods, it’s important to avoid heavy carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, cookies, crisps, and sugary items.

Mindful Movement: Engage in gentle or more dynamic exercise such as yoga, swimming, walking or any movements or sports you enjoy to do. This will invigorate the body and uplift the spirits.

Stay Hydrated: Drink warm fluids throughout the day to support hydration and flush out toxins.



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Springtime lethargy is a common experience among many, as we transition into a new season, but by embracing Ayurvedic principles, we can support our bodies and minds through this period of change. By prioritizing self-care, nourishing our bodies, and honoring the wisdom of ancient healing traditions, we can emerge from springtime with renewed vitality and well-being.


Make my healthy turmeric rice: RECIPE

Reset your immune system: HERE

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